Technology, capacity and experience in all scope of steel structure services
Regular and highly rated customers
Leader in the steel structure industry for more than 25 years
Forward thinking, innovative ideas and optimal solutions
Best prices and top quality on the market
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Ascada Detailing Inc. is a structural and miscellaneous steel detailing company found on the base of long-term experience (more than 27 years) of Spacan Manufacturing Ltd – a steel fabrication, welding and installation company. The date of incorporation is March 1991.
We fully understand that currently steel structure industry is hard up for qualified specialists. That is why we made our mind to widen our focus by drawing on the resources of professionals and to set up our company. We took the best from expertise and experience of our dominant undertaking Spacan Manufacturing Ltd. which was certified by Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) to CSA Standard W 47.1 Division 2 for welding of structural and miscellaneous steel and its components.